As a UX Designer with a background in architecture, my strength lies in picking apart complex problems and putting them back together to form powerful solutions. Drawing on my experience with working cross-functionally with both creative and business driven teams, I can empathize not only to the team I work with, but also the users I do the work for. My best work focuses on putting energy towards creating efficient processes that aren't afraid to think outside of the box.
My background is in both architecture design & research so really, there’s two brains going on ——
Research brain: Think in systems
Part of me thinks systematically
because I believe every detail is consequential
in any type of process
At the same time
the designer in me is never afraid to think...
outside of the box
Design brain: Be fearless
Both ways thrive in team settings so in return, I flourish in collaboration.
"Lance is a supportive, empathetic team member who always has his eye on the big picture. During our project, he kept everyone on the team in high spirits and on the same page. Thanks to his guidance, we met every deadline with ease and had fun doing it. I would love to work with Lance again!"
"Lance is my favorite: completely creative, collaborative, curious and caring. He only gives you his best and and demonstrates his work process which and was always a step ahead thinking only to share the workflow together."